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Dogmersfield C.E (Aided) Primary School

Love Courage Respect


‘Start children off on the way they should go… so they live life in all its fullness’ Proverbs 22:6 / John 10:10

Our purpose is to nurture and enable everyone to thrive and be the person they are fully capable of being. Through our Vision and Values we will all grow into valued, confident individuals who make a difference in the world. We aim to provide a high quality education rooted in Christian belief, values and practice.

On behalf of Dogmersfield C E (A) Primary School, I would like to welcome you to our learning community. We are a small school with a Christian ethos and a family atmosphere. Our values are the Christian values of love, respect and courage, and these are embedded in everything that we do.

At Dogmersfield we aim to make a difference to the life of every child. We believe that every child should have a dream; that the dream should be believed in and that every child can achieve what they set out to do. We champion every child and aim to inspire all members of our learning community to aim for excellence. Learning is a lifelong journey of discovery and it is our duty as educators to ignite curiosity, excitement and resilience so that our children can see themselves as lifelong learners.

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Our Values & Vision

Our Values and Foundations of Character are at the heart of everything we do at Dogmersfield School. They help us to live out our Christian Vision.

The Values and Foundations of Character we explore
and strive to live by are: