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Dogmersfield C.E (Aided) Primary School


After School Clubs

Teacher Led Clubs


Club  Teacher

Eco Club

Mrs Wellington


Yoga Club

Coding Club (KS2)

Mrs Bradshaw

Mrs Farraday

Wednesday Netball (Y4, Y5, Y6) Mrs Paton

Choir (Y2 to Y6)

Tag Rugby Club (KS2)

Mrs Hawes

Mr Frame

These clubs run from 3.15pm to 4.15pm.  All clubs can be booked by emailing the school office.  Payment is made via Scopay.  The clubs will run for 10 weeks during the school term with a cost of £55 per club per term.

Sessions will not take place during the week of parents evenings.  



Externally run Club

Club Provider
Wednesday Football (Year 2 to Year 6)

Shots Foundation

Booking Link

These clubs run from 3.15pm to 4.15pm, please contact the provider directly to book.



We also offer private piano and guitar lessons (guitar email:dixonhouse@hotmail.co.uk) to children during school hours.  These are provided by external music teachers, for further details please contact the school office.