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Dogmersfield C.E (Aided) Primary School


British Values

The Department for Education states that there is a need:

"To create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect ond tolerance of those with different values and beliefs".

At Dogmersfield we believe that British values are intrinsically embedded into our everyday school life, as well as being part of our curriculum work and the many extra-curricular activities our children take part in. Each class has a Charter compiled by the class teacher and the the children, which sets out their rights and responsibilities within the school environment.


Our children are taught from Reception Class upwards about the importance of living in a democratic society, and the impact this can have on a variety of issues. We have an elected school council, which is involved in discussions on matters that concern the whole school. Pupils share their ideas with the school council during Whole School meetings and changes are made as a result of their ideas. An example of a recent change was pupils requesting another activity to do in their house teams.

The Rule of Law

All of our children at Dogmersfield are aware of, and regularly reminded of the rules they are expected to follow at school. They understand that there are consequences if rules are not adhered to, both in school and in the wider community. We have three positive school rules: 'Wonderful Walking', 'Choose Kind' and STEP UP (sorry, thank you, excuse me, please and parden). Visitors to the school include the local PCSO and NSPCC. We also participate in 'Think Safe', Bikeability and the Streets Ahead initiatives, which give children formal training and awareness of keeping safe whilst following specific rules. From the Class Charters, through to assembly discussions and informal class sessions, all of our children understand that rules of the school and the laws of the land are put in place for a reason, and that the safety and well being of all of us is at the heart of both. 

Individual Liberty

Our children are encouraged to make their own choices, and are supported and nurtured throughout their school life to become independent, mature and well-balanced individuals. All children are valued and enabled to achieve their full potential, and we offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities that they have the freedom to choose to participate in. From football and judo to art and crafts or dance, children have the opportunity to learn new skills, which in turn helps to develop and increase their confidence in making choices. Our Collective Worship assemblies focus on Christian values, with the messages delivered in a way the children can relate to within their own circumstances. We have robust anti-bullying and behaviour policies, and our children know that they can approach any adult in the school in confidence that they will be supported appropriately. 

Mutual Respect and Tolerance

The Dogmersfield family consists of Staff, Governors, parents, volunteers and children; we strive to give of our best and to support and nurture each other. As with any family there are times of misunderstandings and miscommunications. However, we work together to ensure that different opinions and beliefs are listened to and respected, as we trust that we ourselves are treated with tolerance and respect. Our children learn through the curriculum about a variety of religions and  other cultures, and also enjoy visits to places of worship linked to other different faiths and beliefs. Our church holds services throughout the christian calendar which the children participate in, when the whole village community is invited where possible as well as parents and carers. Parents have visited school to talk about their particular faith and culture, and to show how beliefs and traditions are fed through families and communities.  Our children understand that this is a common thread whatever faith is held, and we encourage them to embrace and celebrate the diversity of the world, and to respect the humanity that is represented by this.