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Dogmersfield C.E (Aided) Primary School


The school's Parent Association is known as the Dogmersfield School Association.  All parents are automatically members.



Welcome to the Dogmersfield School Association (DSA). We are made up of a main committee and every parent/guardian is automatically a member alongside the staff and Governors. The DSA was set up in 1991 in order to advance the education of the pupils. We work towards this goal by raising funds to provide resources and activities for the pupils and staff.

The DSA does this by organising events that are fun for children and adults and reflect the strong sense of community within the school. Events include our annual Christmas Market and Summer Fair, as well as children’s discos, family bingo evenings, bake offs and more!

The DSA does this by organising events that are fun for children and adults and reflect the strong sense of community within the school. Events include our annual Christmas Market and Summer Fair, as well as children’s discos, family bingo evenings, bake offs and more!

Currently, the DSA committee is made up of five officers and at least three members who are elected at our AGM in October.

All parents/guardians are welcome to come to the DSA meetings, which are held approximately every 2 months. They are advertised in the schools newsletter and the DSA Facebook page. We encourage everyone to participate as much or as little as they like with any aspect of the DSA. All talents welcome!

Chair – Mrs Danielle Waldren
Vice Chair – Mrs Carolyn Cripps
Treasurer – Mrs Heidi Bishop & Mrs Kitty Jarman

Secretary – Mrs Zaynah Hodges

Staff Representative - Mrs Wellington



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