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Dogmersfield C.E (Aided) Primary School


“A high-quality mathematics education provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.”

 (National Curriculum, 2014)




Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement


The intent of teaching and learning mathematics at Dogmersfield Primary School is to provide students with 3 key skills:

1. The ability to be fluent mathematicians through varied and regular practise of key skills. These skills become more complex throughout the school, ensuring that pupils are able to recall and use key knowledge with increasing accuracy to solve problems and reason about Maths.

2. The ability to solve problems which will increase in difficulty and develop to include multiple steps. The pupils will learn to break down these problems and identify the skills needed to solve them.

3. The ability to reason about a problem, using age appropriate mathematical language to explain. This will include spotting patterns or making generalisations about their learning with increasing complexity.


Pupils are taught daily Maths lessons of around an hour. These lessons may be broken into parts depending on the age and needs of the pupils. We follow the White Rose scheme of learning, which is closely aligned to the National Curriculum and allows pupils to develop fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills in a range of different situations. These resources are supplemented by the class teachers with a range of other resources such as I See Maths, NCETM and NRich activities to support planning and teaching.

Our teaching is based on the principles of Mastery teaching, where all pupils move at the same pace but teaching and learning are adapted to suit the needs of all children. This ensures that all children achieve the highest standards they are capable of. Within this teaching, we also:

Use Flashback 4 or Daily 5 questions help to reinforce previous learning and address any misconceptions.

Encourage pupils to use the CPA approach, whereby access to practical resources is always modelled and available where appropriate, leading on to a pictorial approach and then a more abstract approach.

Use regular questioning and formative assessment to ensure pupils are always moved forward in their learning from their starting points.

Use real-life problems throughout the curriculum to make learning relevant for the future.


We believe that our pupils should leave Dogmersfield Primary School with a solid grasp of Maths concepts. This should lead them to be confident in calculation, problem solving and reasoning in real life situations.


Curriculum Overview

Year R Mastering Number

Year 1 and 2 Long Term Plans

Year 2 and 3 Long Term Plans

Year 3 and 4 Long Term Plans

Year 4 and 5 Long Term Plans

Year 5 and 6 Long Term Plans 


Times Table games

 Times Tables Rock Stars

Times Tables