Mental Health and Well being
As a school we take mental health and well being very seriously and we are committed to support the emotional health and well being of our pupils and staff. We know that everyone experiences life challenges that can make us vulnerable at times and anyone can need additional emotional support.
Caring and looking after the mental health of others is a shared responsibility and is part of our Christian value of love.
We offer different levels of support:
Universal Support – To meet the needs of all our pupils through our overall ethos and our wider curriculum. For instance, developing resilience for all.
Additional support – For those who may have short-term needs and those who may have been made vulnerable by life experiences such as bereavement.
Targeted support – For pupils who need more differentiated support and resources or specific targeted interventions such as wellbeing groups or personal mentors.
Link to School Mental Health Policy
Below are some local services that may be helpful for our families:
Sometimes, despite everyone’s best efforts your child may still need support. At Dogmersfield we have two ELSA’s who are trained by the Educational Psychologist department to support children who are finding it hard to manage their emotions. This may be due to mental health, bereavement, separation or trauma.
Our ELSA’s are able to provide one to one or group support
Family Information and Services Hub
Find information about what is going on in your area, details on how to access services, organisations and activities in Hampshire, and the advice and support that is available.
Parent Support Advisor
Kate Williams- 01252 615065 ext296
HART Foodbank
"no judgement, just support"
Tel. 07926 806256
Tel. 0300 304 0050 between 9am and 2pm | Email:
They have a wealth of information on their website including ideas of support for young people in crisis -
Virtual Safe Haven (Adults)
Between 6pm and 8pm, daily and also 12:30-2.30pm on weekends and bank holidays.
The NHS 111 mental health triage service
NHS 111
The mental health triage team has a wide range of skills, including on the phone brief psychological support and has access to key services and organisations that can offer mental health support to people in their time of need.
Hampshire Children’s Services
Out of hours contact telephone number for Children's Services
Phone 0300 555 1373
The Children’s Sleep Charity
Hart Citizens Advice
0344 4111 306 |