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Dogmersfield C.E (Aided) Primary School


 "A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect. he national curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that all pupils:  develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities, are physically active for sustained periods of time, engage in competitive sports and activities, lead healthy, active lives."




Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement



Physical Education (PE) is a fundamental part of our school curriculum at Dogmersfield Primary School. Leading an active lifestyle has important benefits to our physical, emotional and mental health. Our intention is to ensure that all children have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of physical activities, in and out of school and that all children represent their class or the school in performing or participating in a physical activity.  


We aim to: 

Promote physical activity as part of a healthy and active lifestyle

Encourage children to find a physical activity that is right for them

Develop teamwork, co-operation and leadership skills


Dance, gymnastics, outside sports and swimming are statutory elements of the Primary Curriculum.  



There are 2 hours of physical education timetabled for each class at Dogmersfield Primary School. The long-term curriculum plan for PE sets out which sports and skills are taught throughout the year, including 2 gymnastics and dance units of work a year, 5 outdoor team sports a year and athletics. Units of work that build towards those sports are taught from Reception through KS1 to prepare children for those team sports. In the summer term, Years 5 and 6 take part in 10 swimming sessions learning to swim a range of strokes competently, water confidence and lifesaving and preservation skills. Additionally, a range of clubs are offered throughout the year and the children are encouraged to take part in these as part of developing a healthy lifestyle. Daily Mile happens three times a week  

We seek out opportunities for children to participate in local competitions and leagues including those provided by the local schools’ games offerings and local football and netball leagues. Our local small schools’ networks provide an opportunity for friendly competition. Our aim for those is to encourage children who have not yet represented the school by offering non-traditional sports or physical activity. This includes the school Summer Fayre Maypole dance exhibition where all children take part in a traditional form of dance performed to parents.  

We appoint team captains for our four houses who have a responsibility for being sports leaders throughout the year but especially during our annual sports day where every child takes part according to their ability. KS2 take part in an athletics competition during sports day before being joined by the younger children for skills activities and sports races. 



Physical education at Dogmersfield Primary School helps to motivate children to participate in a variety of sports and activities through our taught curriculum, clubs and school events in an engaging and fun way. Our lessons promote leadership, teamwork, co-operation, responsibility, respect, courage and a healthy lifestyle. We equip our children with the skills and attitudes to enjoy sports and physical activities so that they grow up to know the importance and contribution that fitness and sports can have in their lives and to their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. 


Curriculum Overview

curriculum overview pe.pdf