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Dogmersfield C.E (Aided) Primary School


School Dinners

School dinners are £3.20 per day and are payable online via Scopay (see link below).  Please ask in the office if you have any questions about online payments.

Children have the choice of a meat, vegetarian or jacket potato dinner please follow the link below for menu details.

Menu details



Universal Infant Free School Meals Programme

All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a meal, free of charge, under the UIFSM programme:

- registration is not required

- each child will be able to have a hot, two course meal at their school which includes a meat or non-meat main item, vegetables, potato, pasta or rice, salad and a dessert

Registration is not required for children to have the free meals.

Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 can apply for free school meals under the Pupil Premium funding. Refer to the section below to see if your child is eligible.


Free school meals for pupils up to 16 years old

To check your child's eligibility for pupil premium or continued free school meals (from Key Stage 2), use the online checking facility

To complete a check you need the following information for yourself or the person you are checking on behalf of:

- your own name, date of birth, and contact details

- National Insurance number or National Asylum Seekers number

- child's name and date of birth

- school your child is attending or will attend

All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a meal, free of charge, under the UIFSM programme:

- registration is not required

- each child will be able to have a hot, two course meal at their school which includes a meat or non-meat main item, vegetables, potato, pasta or rice, salad and a dessert

Registration is not required for children to have the free meals. But schools get government funding for all children who meet the standard free meal criteria. The funding is called the Pupil Premium. To let schools get the funding for as many pupils as possible, we encourage parents of children who meet the standard free meal criteria to register. This includes parents of children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.


If your child is eligible for pupil premium the school also offers financial support for additional activities such as wraparound care, after school clubs, day trips and residential trips.